Correction of Inverted Nipples
The nipples are connected to the underlying breast tissue by means of tiny tubes called ducts. Nipple inversion occurs when these ducts are too short and pull the nipple inwards. It is important for the entire breast to be examined carefully for nipple inversion that occurs over a short period of time as it can sometimes be a sign of an underlying cancer.
Why do patients request correction of inverted nipples?
P atients are embarrassed by the appearance of the nipples especially if just one side is affected. This results in asymmetry since the inverted nipple does not respond to cold weather or stimulation. Patients are self-conscious about this especially in beachwear or swim wear. Patients also find it difficult to breast-feed with an inverted nipple.
What does surgery for this condition involve?
Correction of inverted nipples can be carried out either under local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia as a day case procedure. A small incision measuring a few millimetres is made just below the nipple and the shortened ducts are divided. The nipple is everted and held in place with a dissolving suture which is placed under the skin. A small dressing is applied which is removed the following day.
What is the normal postoperative course?
There may be slight bruising or swelling and tenderness at the site of surgery. This usually resolves within a few days. Patients can have a shower as normal and change the small dressing over the nipples themselves every day.
How much time do I need off work?
Patients can return to work within 10 days of the operation.
Are there any complications of this procedure?
Just like any other operation this procedure could have complications such as bleeding, haematoma formation and infection. Following this procedure there can be a loss of sensation in the nipple and it may not be possible to breast-feed. In a small percentage of cases the inversion of the nipple can recur.
What is the normal post-operative course?
A small dressing is applied to the suture line in the crease underneath the breast. Most patients are able to shower and change the dressing themselves every day at home. An outpatient appointment is made for removal of sutures approximately one week after surgery. A review appointment is usually offered one to three months after the operation.
What level of activity can be carried out in the weeks following the operation?
For the first couple of weeks patients can experience discomfort while lifting weights or stretching the arms above the head. It is advisable to have help around the house and with young children during this period. The majority of patients are quite comfortable and able to return to work within 10 days after surgery. It is usually possible to return to normal exercise schedules including gym, aerobics and swimming four to six weeks after surgery.
What specific issues should be discussed in the preoperative consultation?
Your Surgeon will discuss the different types of surgical and non surgical treatment that are available to you. Not all inverted nipples needs surgical correction. Sometimes acute onset of inverted nipples may denote underlying breast pathology which may need further investigations. If suitable, surgery can be carried out under local or full anaesthesia.