Thigh Reduction
Why do patients request this procedure?
Patients request this procedure for the treatment of excessive skin on the inner aspect of their thighs.
Why does this condition occur?
Patients develop sagging or wrinkling of skin on the inside of the thigh as a result of excessive weight loss or as part as the normal process of ageing.
Why do patients seek treatment for this condition?
Patients with this condition are self-conscious and embarrassed about the appearance of their thighs. They do not like the wrinkling on the inside of the thigh and the excessive skin and fat just above the knee. In addition they also suffer physical discomfort as the insides of the thighs rub against each other causing chafing. The condition is also uncomfortable in hot weather due to sweating.
What does surgery for this condition involve?
T his condition can be treated by surgery, which is carried out under general anaesthetic. It involves removal of excess skin and fat on the inner aspect of the thigh. The resulting scar is usually well hidden in the groin and in the inner aspect of the thigh.
How long do I need to be in hospital?
M ost patients spend one night in hospital after this operation.
What is the aftercare following this procedure?
F ollowing the operation the surgeon may put a drain (a plastic tube) underneath the skin which stays in place for approximately 24 hours. This is removed the day following surgery. The patient is usually able to have a shower and change of dressings before being discharged from hospital.
An appointment is made for removal of sutures a week following surgery and a review appointment with the surgeon is arranged in approximately a fortnight following the operation.
Most patients are mobile within a couple of days following surgery and are able to return to work at approximately a fortnight following the operation.
What are the complications of this procedure?
J ust like any other operation this procedure has complications such as bleeding, haematoma (a blood clot underneath the skin), infection, visible scars, a change of sensation in the skin and asymmetry.
A small percentage (usually less than 5%) of patients may require a secondary revision.